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>>Message from Dr. Spong

Hello everyone,

We have good news! Thanks to the continued generosity of NTT DATA, and the kind assistance of NEUX, AXIS, J Stream, and other LIVE staff, http://www.orca-live.net is about to begin our live webcast again. During the past week, we've moved the satellite uplink from Cracroft Point to OrcaLab on Hanson Island, installed the various components of the orca-live system in our lab, and tested transmission of audio & video data on both 56k & 128k streams. Everything seems to be working fine so far.

LIVE will resume at 7am PST on Thursday, November 16th.

Of course, we hope many of you will log on for the launch of winter LIVE, & that you'll return often during the months to come. Our intention is to continue the live webcast through the end of January, though there may be interruptions at times (which we'll notify you about beforehand). This production will have much the same format but differ somewhat in content from the summer version. Orca families will continue to visit, though less frequently as time passes... so you'll be able to continue hearing their voices & perhaps see them occasionally as well. We'll be placing 3 underwater cameras in the kelp forest in front of our lab... windows into another tiny corner of the underwater world. Like the patch of kelp at "CP" this one has an ordinary surface face, but below, life has drama and beauty. Above water the scene is rich too... from birds to weather. We love this time of year, and though the orcas are our ongoing focus, we also see Nature in some of her best moments.

Hoping you'll join us, and with our best wishes to you all,

Paul & Helena & Anna.
We await your thoughts and impressions.
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